Application Procedure
Before making application, each applicant is advised to read thoroughly the Procedure of Participation and Eligibility conditions. If you are confident that you are eligible to apply, please prepare the following supporting documents before starting your online application.
Supporting documents
- PDF or scan copy (.jpg file: max. 1 MB) of your highest degree/diploma (which you consider relevant). In case you wish to submit more than one pages of one or more degrees/diplomas, please make PDF file of all pages in sequence.
- A photograph (Size: 3.5cm x 4.5cm) with maximum 500KB
- Proof of your functional knowledge of English language.
- A statement of minimum 500 words (maximum 1000 words) as to how this program will enhance your knowledge, skills, career objectives, expected take away, and your leadership in furthering causes of mountain areas. Please also include how you will contribute the program by adding new knowledge.
- If you are applying for fee waiver, a statement of maximum 500 words will be required. In this statement, you need to answer as to why you need a fee waiver to cover the expenses of the program. What are your financial conditions?
- An abstract of a paper that you have written or will write. This paper will be presented by you during the program. The abstract should include: title (maximum 10 words), concept, methodology, and brief findings of your research or review. Abstract should not be of maximum 300 words.
- Names of two referees who can comment on your credentials. We will contact the referees if you are shortlisted in the selection process.
Once your documents get ready in the background, you may initiate the ONLINE APPLICATION by clicking Apply Now.