Valahia University of Targoviste
The beginnings of higher education in Târgovişte date back to the Romanian Middle Ages, when, between 1672 and 1678, the city hosted the first Law School of Wallachia.Higher education resumed its mission in an official establishment after the 1989 Revolution, when, in 1991, the Technical and Economic University College opened its gates.
Higher education continued its mission in an official establishment after the 1989 Revolution, when, in 1991, the Technical and Economic University College opened its gates. Later on, following the Romanian Government Decision no. 288 / 01.06.1992, Valahia University of Târgoviște was created. The creation of this university naturally belongs to the concept of development of regional universities, a common practice in the main European and NorthAmerican States.
While at its creation Valahia University of Târgoviște was made up of 2 faculties, a university college, 14 higher education specializations and about 700 students, during this academic year its structure has diversified harmoniously in agreement to the socioeconomic needs, to the demands of the labour market, so that, today, Valahia University Târgoviște includes 10 faculties (Bachelor Degree - 3 or 4 years), 39 higher education specializations, masteral and doctoral studies, a teacher pre-service and in-service training sector and a distance learning department. Right now, 7500 students receive tuition at Valahia University of Târgovişte, being competently guided by over 300 academics in adequately equipped departments.
Beside its scientific training and research, Valahia University of Târgoviște includes continuing education centres in agreement to the demands of the present socioeconomic environment.
Our institution provides adequate social conditions (hostels, canteen, club, sports facilities, etc.) and at present the new university campus, part of the university’s patrimony, is being completed. The main concern of Valahia University of Târgoviște is the optimal accomplishment of its mission: high-quality scientific training and research, excellent study and life conditions for its students, professional integration at the national level, and European and international academic relations.