- Selection of Candidates: Applications are invited within a deadline, i.e. 31January 2021. All the applications will be discussed by Selection Committee and the shortlisted candidates will be given “Provisional Offer of Admission”. The selected applicants will be given a pack of all necessary information and guidance.
- Pre-Training Paperwork: All participants are given full space to prepare and present their individual papers. At the time of application, applicant is asked to write title, abstract, methodology and brief findings of a research or review paper. Upon selection, the selected candidates will be given guidance to complete the proposed research or review paper.
- Training Methodology & Pedagogy: This practical training must be learner-centric. The participants will be given full space and priority in pedagogy. On the given topics, the lecture will be delivered by using creative and participatory methods. The lecture should involve exercise or practical by participants. Some of the lectures will be designed to take place during the field visits. Pre-assessment existing knowledge and post-assessment of acquired knowledge can be arranged. At least 30% time of the lecture should be allotted to let the participants speak or perform for sharing their experiences or knowledge on the topic concerned.
- Special Display or Exhibit by Participants: Within the broader canvass of contents, the participants will be encouraged to display or exhibit their respective special interest, work, skill or achievement. They will be informed in advance for thinking, planning, arranging, transporting and managing for such display or exhibit.
- Participant-Mentor Sessions: From among the lecturers and facilitators an appropriate expert mentor will be assigned to each participant well before start of the program, and the mentor will provide necessary inputs to participant’s paper before presentation during the program. Before onset of training, the mentor and participant will initiate discussing with each other. The mentor will give inputs in improving individual paper of the participant. After the training takes off, they will hold several informal sessions together to further improve the paper before and after presentation.
- Individual Paper Presentations: As explained above, each participant will write individual research or review paper and present on specified day during the training program. His/her individual paper will be published in a journal of Publishing Partner with adequate editorial assistance. The mentor will give necessary technical advisory inputs.
- Special Sharing Sessions: Some of the topics from contents will be kept open for participants to pick up. Besides those topics, participants may propose their own topics within the broader canvass of training program. On these topics, they will be given time to speak in front of all audience including facilitators. This way they will contribute to enrichment of the program and be benefited themselves.
- Post-Training Individual Work and Periodic Assessment: As each participant will leave with certain take away, we will like to keep tracking the progress of individuals in their respective works post-training. Through relevant questions in periodic assessments we will measure the impact of our practical training on their respective work.