Globally, environmental problems are growing day by day and threatening the existence of our planet and humanity. In varied types of ecosystems on the planet, diversity of natural resources such as forests, water, soil, biodiversity, minerals, wildlife and agroecosystems are exploited recklessly. Natural resource management focuses on the need of sustainable management of the Earth's depleting natural resources such as clean water, energy, minerals and biological resources, in relation to the growth of the human population. To answer these pressing issues, professionals need to be able to work in interdisciplinary teams and apply scientific, ecological, economic and social knowledge to come up with holistic solutions. Besides, natural resource governance addresses the international/national policies, laws, frameworks, codes, instruments, guidelines, mechanisms, directives, principles, rules and other forms of administrative measures meant to govern different natural resources falling in jurisdiction of countries and in transboundary jurisdictions. The Global Academy on Natural Resource Law & Governance will impart practical training to the participants on the critical links of problems with solutions related to natural resources. This 10-days practical training program will provide full space to the participants to understand, analyse, discourse and offer solutions to key issues associated with natural resources.
How is the Global Academy on Natural Resource Law & Governance different from other similar courses or trainings? Mostly, such trainings cover a segment or narrow scope of natural resources. Moreover, the focus remains mainly either on scientific management or the socio-political aspects of management. Law and governance aspects are totally skipped. Additionally, those trainings target one or two categories of audiences. On the contrary, our program will have the following distinguished features:
- Coverage and integration of interdisciplinary topics dealt under legal domains of plants, wildlife, ecosystems & ecology, forestry, agriculture, biodiversity, physical environment, geoscience, environmental ethics, political ecology, resource economics, environmental anthropology, environmental policy & law, resource governance, international law, common law, customary law, participatory research methodology, ethnic & minority issues in natural landscapes, Indigenous and human rights.
- Along with specialized lectures and practical sessions to be taken by Experts and Faculties, all participants will be given full space to prepare and present their individual papers. Participant speakers will present their papers or articles using appropriate audio-visual media. Moreover, nominated Faculty Speakers from partner institutions/organizations will deliver technical sessions. Induvial papers, articles or (collective) case studies will be published in journals with adequate editorial assistance.
- Renowned academics and practitioners (Expert Faculties and Faculty Speakers) from various countries will be invited to deliver the contents on different topics. They are or will be from Europe, North America, Asia and Africa.
- Participants from varied backgrounds may join the program. They may be law graduates, Masters students, policy researchers, teachers, legal practitioners, professionals, executives, managers, and writers.
- The program will include case studies, case examples, group work, discussions and informal interactions.