Alliance for the Protection of Animals
Alliance for the Protection of Animals is an ALLIANCE-Non Profit, Non Commercial Non Government, Registered Welfare Society for Helping Living Forms. Our goal is to educate people on ethics for responsibility on helping others. Create Shelters as for people- Elderly & Lonely as well as for Needy other living forms- Animals is our mission to provide necessary care with involvement of all society to help. We also help to teenagers after orphanage to built their further life and help to our activity by joining these Nobel aim issues.
We concerned on ethic of cruelty free, ignorance free society, where no one-no any living forms in need or left without care. We very much committed to help all who needs our help and to involve many to our group to make more power and lesser needy lives. One of most sufferer living forms in these world is animals, who most depend of us, our care with mercy. Most of sufferer amongst of are companion animals that roaming on the streets for survival, who domesticated and left to street by people. Starving animals, feeding from rubbish dumps for survival, unnecessary reproduction, breeds which leads population problem. Killing animals is most shame action for civilized humane society, neither can sort the problem. These means we wish to improve Environment and health condition of Public areas to prevent any diseases that can be spread by unhealthy animals as well as to stop the senselessly shooting and other forms of cruelty to animals. Apart of our actions working with animals we provide educative programs for public awareness, trainings and seminars for children in the school to educate children on humane attitude towards animals, to strengthen Humane Society of Azerbaijan. The introduction of this project will lead to an improvement of the ecological conditions. You may already know that Azerbaijan is the country that also joined to "European Convention for Protection of the Pet Animals" which is ratified by the Parliament of the Country dated on 30/05/2007 and also signed by Contractor that working in Azerbaijan, consequently all subcontractors preferable comply with present and future Azerbaijani laws or regulations of general applicability with respect to as how to public health, & safety as well as for showing a good sample to locals on protection and restoration of the environment. Our group volunteers are happy to follow rule and policy of the Convention to provide full control and service as calls the Law (catch-sterilize-re-home or shelter).To do all these we are seeking your compassionate generosity on this encouraging activity that we are devoted and to achieve the goal it is necessary be supported with Reputable Companies, Associations in form of The Partnership. To cooperate with individuals in volunteer / membership basis to take animals issues responsibility with their provided any kind of support is valuable achievement on our Projects Progress.