Environmental Management Systems
& Vice-President of NatRisk
Interdepartmental Research Centre on Natural Risks in
Mountain and Hilly Environments
School of Management and Economics
Department of Management
University of Torino
218 bis, Corso Unione Sovietica - IT10134
Torino (Italy)
Tel: +39 (11) 670 57 16
E-mail: stefano.duglio@unito.it
Webpage(s): https://www.management.unito.it/do/docenti.pl/Alias?stefano.duglio#tab-profilo
ORCID: 0000-0002-3394-4329
Researcher ID:
Scopus ID: 56386023200
ResearchGate: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stefano_Duglio
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=Pe1e3n8AAAAJ&hl=it&oi=sra
Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/1227412/stefano-duglio/
Areas of Expertise
Sustainable Tourism; Mountain Tourism; Environmental Management Systems.
Brief Bio
I am Associate Professor at the School of Management and Economics of the University of Torino, Department of Management where I teach “Operations Management”, “Environmental Management Systems” and “Life Cycle Thinking and Management”. My research interests include environmental management for both the private and public sectors, with a specific focus on tourism industry and hospitality sector in mountain areas.
Since 2001, I have been taking part in many projects at national and international level, including:
- ISO 14001 Certification of Ev-K2-CNR Pyramid, in collaboration with RONAST– Royal Nepal Academy of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as part of a Convention between the Italian Mountain Institute and the University of Torino (2003). Team member; one-month mission in Nepal.
- Environmental management of climbing expeditions - “K2 2004 – 50 years later” expedition, as part of an agreement between the Italian Mountain Institute and the University of Torino, in collaboration with the Ev-K2-CNR Committee (2004). Team member; one-month mission in Pakistan.
- Qualification de l'offre des refuges de haute montagne pour un tourisme durable dans la Vallée d'Aoste and les Pays de Savoie - REFUGES within the INTERREG III A Programma Italy-France (ALPS) 2000/06 (2005-2008) – Team member.
- Italo-Switzerland Transfrontier cooperation project VETTA–Valorisation of Experiences and Transfrontier Tourism products at medium and high Altitude (2010–2013) – Team member.
- PROactive management of GEOlogical heritage in the PIEMONTE region: innovative methods and functional guidelines for promoting geodiversity knowledge and supporting geoconservation activities (PROGEOPiemonte), (2011-2015), cofounded by the Compagnia di San Paolo of Torino – Team member.
- EMERITUS - Eco-ManagemEnt for agRI-Tourism in moUntain areaS (2017-2020), within the Call for proposal of the University of Torino, 2016, supported by Compagnia di San Paolo of Torino – Principal Investigator
- Campiglia-CLOUDS - CampigLia sOana green toUrism DeStination (2021), within a Scientific Collaboration Agreement with the Municipality of Valprato Soana – Principal Investigator
I am actually Member of the Research Commission of the Department of Management, Vice-President of NatRisk - Research Centre on Natural Risks in Mountain and Hilly Environments and Member of the Central Scientific Committee of the Italian Alpine Club.
I also serve as a member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Tourism Research and of the Topic Board and the Reviewer Board of Sustainability.
Publications (Weblink only), if any: