![Dr. TAMAR MESHEL](../images/faculty/dr-tamar-meshel.png)
University of Alberta
Faculty of Law
Edmonton, Alberta (Canada)
E-mail: meshel@ualberta.ca
Webpage(s): https://apps.ualberta.ca/directory/person/meshel
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=Ht7jsY0AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Areas of Expertise
International water law; international dispute resolution; transboundary freshwater dispute resolution; international commercial and investment arbitration
Brief Bio
Dr. Tamar Meshel holds a B.A. Hon. Degree from the University of Toronto and law degrees from the University of British Columbia (J.D.) and the University of Toronto (LL.M. and SJD). Prior to joining the University of Alberta, Dr. Meshel worked as an international dispute resolution lawyer in Vancouver (Canada), as Deputy Counsel at the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris (France), and as legal advisor to the Jerusalem Arbitration Center in Israel and Palestine. She was also a Graduate Fellow with the Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia (US), a Research Fellow with the Max Planck Institute for Procedural Law in Luxembourg, and a Schulich Fellow at the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University in Halifax (Canada).
Publications (Weblink only), if any: