Public Institution «Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»
Public Institution «Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine» (hereinafter referred to as PI IEESD of the NAS of Ukraine, or institute) was established by the Resolution of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine № 309 of 03.11.2010. It is subordinated to the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and is part of the Branch of Economics of NAS of Ukraine. The institute is included in the State Register of scientific institutions which receive state support.
The main tasks of the institute are fundamental and applied investigations of environmental economics aimed at ensuring economic justification of formation and realization of the state policy in the sphere of use and protection of natural resources and sustainable development.
The main directions of scientific activities of PI IEESD of NAS of Ukraine include:
- strategy of sustainable development of Ukraine and its regions;
- environmental economics and natural-technogenic safety;
- economic efficiency of use, protection and restoration of natural resources potential.
Practically all research and development activities of the institute are carried out with a focus on the use of their results by state and local authorities of Ukraine.
PI IEESD of NAS of Ukraine consists of five academic departments, scientific and organizational department. The institute employs one academician of NAS of Ukraine and one academician of NAAS of Ukraine, 13 Doctors and 25 Candidates of Science, 8 professors, 300 Workers of Science and Technology of Ukraine. The institute provides Ph.D. and Doctoral courses, Specialized Academic Council for defense of Doctoral and Candidates (Ph.D.) theses as well as Young Scientists Council and Scientific Publishing Council.
PI IEESD of NAS of Ukraine publishes a special edition of scientific journal «Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development». The institution regularly holds scientific conferences, methodological seminars, roundtable talks.
The institute specialists have many years experience in the field of scientific justification of sustainable ecologically balanced socio-economic development of Ukraine and its regions and are ready for fruitful cooperation with all interested government and local government agencies, institutions and entities.
PI IEESD of NAS of Ukraine is open for cooperation with research groups of academic and educational institutions, state and local authorities at all levels to jointly develop a strategy for sustainable development, research issues of environmental economics, economic justification of the formulation and implementation of government policy on the use and protection of natural resources, ensuring socio-economic and environmental safety of the country and its regions. Direct links of the institute with the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, the leading elements of the administrative and management structures of the national and regional levels, local authorities provide effective and practical use of its scientific developments and proposals.