Ukrainian National Forestry University
On May 16, 2005, given the significant contribution to the development of higher education and science of Ukraine, as well as the international recognition of the results of the activity, the decree of the President of Ukraine granted the status of the National Forestry University of Ukraine to the Ukrainian State Forestry University.
The University trains specialists in all specialties of the forest complex and related industries and conducts basic and applied scientific research on topical sectoral and complex cross-sectoral problems of socio-ecological and economic development of Ukraine. Students from all regions of Ukraine study here. A characteristic feature of the university's activities is the environmental focus of research and the educational process. The program of ecologization of natural, humanitarian and professional disciplines is developed and implemented. Its purpose is to initiate in the higher education system of Ukraine the process of greening of educational disciplines as a component of modern didactics. The implementation of such a program is in line with the UN requirements for training sustainable development professionals.
Since 1993, the University has been conducting research on the preparation of the Earth's Ecological Constitution - a global economic and legal act for environmental safety and sustainable development of the planet. Based on fundamental research, the idea of the creation of the Ecological Constitution of the Earth was substantiated, which was formally proclaimed on behalf of Ukraine by the Presidents Leonid Kuchma (1997, 2000) and Viktor Yushchenko (2008, 2009), and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk (2007), the Ministers of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine (2007, 2012). Graduate School of Eight and Doctoral Degree in five specialties are successfully operating at the NLTU of Ukraine. The research activities of the University are provided by well-known scientific schools in Ukraine and abroad on: forestry; environment-friendly technologies of forestry production; abrasive processing of wood; increase of stability of cutting tools; wood drying and protection technologies; ecological and economic principles of nature management and environmental protection; urban ecology and phytomelioration. The University has innovative developments in the fields of biotechnology, nanotechnology, non-traditional energy sources, new safe wood-based composite materials, large-scale abrasive tools for calibration of grinding of wood and wood materials, equipment for non-destructive quality control of industrial products, management of ecosystems of protected areas on the basis of modern information technologies. In particular, for the first time in the history of studying the biodiversity of Ukraine's forests, the laboratory of molecular genetic markers of woody plants submitted to the World Bank of GenBank genes (NCBI, Washington, USA) and registered DNA clones of different genotypes of high-yielding pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). The University successfully conducts basic research on the synthesis and crystal chemistry of organometallic complexes with the participation of organo-organic ligands. Polymeric materials have been modified at the nanoscale management of ecosystems of protected areas on the basis of modern information technologies. In particular, for the first time in the history of studying the biodiversity of Ukraine's forests, the laboratory of molecular genetic markers of woody plants submitted to the World Bank of GenBank genes (NCBI, Washington, USA) and registered DNA clones of different genotypes of high-yielding pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). The University successfully conducts basic research on the synthesis and crystal chemistry of organometallic complexes with the participation of organo-organic ligands. Polymeric materials have been modified at the nanoscale management of ecosystems of protected areas on the basis of modern information technologies. In particular, for the first time in the history of studying the biodiversity of Ukraine's forests, the laboratory of molecular genetic markers of woody plants submitted to the World Bank of GenBank genes (NCBI, Washington, USA) and registered DNA clones of different genotypes of high-yielding pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). The University successfully conducts basic research on the synthesis and crystal chemistry of organometallic complexes with the participation of organo-organic ligands. Polymeric materials have been modified at the nanoscale USA) and DNA clones of different genotypes of high-yielding pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were registered. The University successfully conducts basic research on the synthesis and crystal chemistry of organometallic complexes with the participation of organo-organic ligands. Polymeric materials have been modified at the nanoscale USA) and DNA clones of different genotypes of high-yielding pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were registered. The University successfully conducts basic research on the synthesis and crystal chemistry of organometallic complexes with the participation of organo-organic ligands. Polymeric materials have been modified at the nanoscale of natural and synthetic origin by fixing functionally specific complex active centers. New complexes registered at the University of the Bank for Complex Compounds (Cambridge, England) have been obtained. In order to improve the quality of training of specialists, full entry into the international educational space, in accordance with the new status, a structural reorganization was carried out at NLTU of Ukraine. On the basis of Rector's Decree No. 247 of December 27, 2013, through the reorganization of the faculties and the Institute of Ecological Economics, both structural units without the right of legal entity and educational and scientific institutes were formed: Institute of Forestry and Park Management - on the basis of the Faculty of Forestry; Institute of Engineering Mechanics, Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies - based on the Faculty of Forestry; Institute of Woodworking Technology and Design - based on the Faculty of Technology; Institute of Ecological Economics and Management - in charge of the Institute of Ecological Economics and Faculty of Economics. The Center for Pre-University and Postgraduate Education was established on the basis of the Faculty of Pre-University Training and Postgraduate Education. The University's ranking in the Hirsch Index is an indicator based on the number of scientific publications and the number of citations of these publications - 37, (Hirsch Index - 10). In the ranking of Ukrainian universities according to the UNESCO-developed system, the methodology of which was created in accordance with the Berlin ranking principles of universities "TOP-200 Ukraine", the university in the 2012-2013 academic year ranked traditionally high 31 place among 200 universities in Ukraine and third place among 14 universities in Lviv region. Institute of Ecological Economics and Management - in charge of the Institute of Ecological Economics and Faculty of Economics. The Center for Pre-University and Postgraduate Education was established on the basis of the Faculty of Pre-University Training and Postgraduate Education. The University's ranking in the Hirsch Index is an indicator based on the number of scientific publications and the number of citations of these publications - 37, (Hirsch Index - 10). In the ranking of Ukrainian universities according to the UNESCO-developed system, the methodology of which was created in accordance with the Berlin ranking principles of universities "TOP-200 Ukraine", the university in the 2012-2013 academic year ranked traditionally high 31 place among 200 universities in Ukraine and third place among 14 universities in Lviv region. Institute of Ecological Economics and Management - in charge of the Institute of Ecological Economics and Faculty of Economics. The Center for Pre-University and Postgraduate Education was established on the basis of the Faculty of Pre-University Training and Postgraduate Education. The University's ranking in the Hirsch Index is an indicator based on the number of scientific publications and the number of citations of these publications - 37, (Hirsch Index - 10). In the ranking of Ukrainian universities according to the UNESCO-developed system, the methodology of which was created in accordance with the Berlin ranking principles of universities "TOP-200 Ukraine", the university in the 2012-2013 academic year ranked traditionally high 31 place among 200 universities in Ukraine and third place among 14 universities in Lviv region. The Center for Pre-University and Postgraduate Education was established on the basis of the Faculty of Pre-University Training and Postgraduate Education. The University's ranking in the Hirsch Index is an indicator based on the number of scientific publications and the number of citations of these publications - 37, (Hirsch Index - 10). In the ranking of Ukrainian universities according to the UNESCO-developed system, the methodology of which was created in accordance with the Berlin ranking principles of universities "TOP-200 Ukraine", the university in the 2012-2013 academic year ranked traditionally high 31 place among 200 universities in Ukraine and third place among 14 universities in Lviv region. The Center for Pre-University and Postgraduate Education was established on the basis of the Faculty of Pre-University Training and Postgraduate Education. The University's ranking in the Hirsch Index is an indicator based on the number of scientific publications and the number of citations of these publications - 37, (Hirsch Index - 10). In the ranking of Ukrainian universities according to the UNESCO-developed system, the methodology of which was created in accordance with the Berlin ranking principles of universities "TOP-200 Ukraine", the university in the 2012-2013 academic year ranked traditionally high 31 place among 200 universities in Ukraine and third place among 14 universities in Lviv region.
Currently, about 6,000 students are educated at NLTU Ukraine. There are 427 highly qualified teachers and researchers working at 33 departments, including academician of NASU, 52 doctors (professors) and 240 candidates of science (associate professors). Among them are state prize winners, honored scientists and technicians of Ukraine, honored education workers of Ukraine. University students and staff have never stayed away from the struggle for democratic shifts in our state's lives. They were on a hunger strike against the so-called language law in 2012. The forestry engineers, together with students and the academic community of Lviv, launched the Dignity Revolution in November 2013. They were among the victims of the illegal armed formation of "Golden eagle" on November 30 in the Independence Square, courageously standing - side by side with those in one of the battles on the street. Hrushevsky On February 18, 2014, security officers fatally wounded the head of Alexander Kapinos, a graduate of the Faculty of Technology of the NLTU in 2006, with a grenade. The next day, his life was cut short at the age of thirty ... October 24, 2014 not only the community of the National Forestry and Technical University of Ukraine, but also the community of Ukraine the whole scientific and educational community of our country has good reason to mark a significant date - the 140th anniversary of the beginning of the Regional Forestry School in Lviv - the forerunner of our alma mater. Marking this date is an opportunity to pay tribute to the many generations of foresters and educators who have honored the baton of service to the forest at all stages of a complicated national history at the cost of a titanic effort, and sometimes their own lives, to preserve and increase one of the most important national scaffolds. the most important components of the biosphere, without which its functioning is impossible, and therefore life itself on the planet. One hundred and forty years - a time during which generations of foresters were changing, new and new forest areas grew. Thanks to the sacrifice of forest preservers, the scientific approach to growing and multiplying Ukraine's forest resources, the territory of which during the last century became the arena of two world wars, they were managed to save. The consequences of the colonial dependence of our Motherland in the forest industry are palpable and still - the forested area of Ukraine remains one of the lowest in Europe, disturbed by predatory management age, breed structure of stands, their completeness ... natural landscapes, catastrophic floods and winds, the weakening of the gene pool of tree species, and many other negative processes overcome by forestry scientists, etc. ktyky-foresters non-occurrence pay close attention. After many years of plundering and depletion of natural resources, today we have the chance to correct the mistakes of the past, many of which can be called crimes against nature, to improve the laws in the field of nature management, ensure their strict contact with all economic entities, overcome consumer approaches to nature and forest resources in particular. To cope with these tasks can only be armed with the baggage of the latest scientific knowledge. With its scientific achievements, the university largely shapes the state forest policy, influences the development of timber and wood processing industries. Scientists have been fruitfully working on the problem of increasing the forested area of the country, afforestation of the Chernobyl-disposed exclusion zone, the conservation, protection and rational use of forest resources. To confirm these noble intentions, to consistently embody the ecological imperative in the educational process and scientific activity, to carefully nurture the nature conservation consciousness - the Latin motto is engraved on the pediment of the educational and administrative building.
At the university innovative technologies, methods of active, interactive learning are being intensively put into practice, which ensure the interaction of teachers and students as equal partners, stimulate the development of mutual understanding between them, positive motivation of learning. The departments are equipped with up-to-date scientific information and didactic materials. They organize discussions and seminars to exchange experiences between teachers, including the organization of student collaboration; create conditions for advanced training of scientific and pedagogical staff by mastering the latest technologies and content of training. The informatization of the educational process, which is carried out in two main directions: providing the university with up-to-date computer technology and multimedia tools and developing its own high-performance software. In order to implement the basic principles of the Bologna Declaration, in particular to improve the quality of education, the work of the Rectorate is aimed at creating an academic atmosphere based on ethical principles, as well as on the responsibility of the University's scientific and pedagogical staff for the quality of educational activities and the improvement of students' knowledge. Planning, organizing and controlling the quality and efficiency of the educational process, managing the university's educational activities, organizing all types of practices, facilitating the employment of students and graduates of the university, maintaining accounting and reporting on educational work, as well as coordination of work of educational-scientific institutes and departments is carried out by educational-methodical department. National-civic education at the university is aimed at forming nationally-conscious citizens of Ukraine, fostering a proper culture of teachers, staff and students. Educational influence on the students of the university is exercised through purposeful activity of the subjects of educational work and through their attitude to their duties, behavior and personal example. Therefore, it is an integral part of the educational process. Educational influence on the students of the university is exercised through purposeful activity of the subjects of educational work and through their attitude to their duties, behavior and personal example. Therefore, it is an integral part of the educational process. Educational influence on the students of the university is exercised through purposeful activity of the subjects of educational work and through their attitude to their duties, behavior and personal example. Therefore, it is an integral part of the educational process.
The University is represented by scientific schools:
- Lviv School of Forestry-Ecological Problems of Improving Productivity and Biological Stability of Forest Ecosystems, Head
- Professor GT Krynitsky; - on Ecological and Economic Problems of Sustainable Forest Management and Environmental Protection, Head
- Academician of NAS of Ukraine Yu. Yu. Tunic;
- On environmentally friendly and resource-saving technologies of logging and transportation of wood, the head
- Professor MG Adamovsky;
- On scientific and technical problems of timber drying, Head
- Professor PV Biley;
- On the problems of increasing the resourcework of machine parts, cutting tools and technological equipment, heads
- Professors MD Kirik, VM Golubets. Research and development is performed by 42 doctors, 227 PhD candidates, 50 full-time research staff members. The volume of research and development work performed within the departmental, sectoral and interbranch scientific laboratories of the research unit amounts to more than two million hryvnias annually. University researchers have received recognized results from:
- Morpho-physiological bases of forest phytocenosis formation;
- Molecular-genetic bases of increase of biological stability of tree species; - measures to increase forest cover in agricultural landscapes of Ukraine; - scientific bases of increase of phytomeliorative efficiency of vegetation cover of urbogenic and technogenic landscapes;
- Physiological and biochemical bases of post-radiation growth of forest plantations in the exclusion zone of the Chornobyl NPP;
- Ecological and economic problems of sustainable forest management and environmental protection and realization of the idea of creation of the Ecological Constitution of the Earth - the legislative basis of the global strategy of sustainable development and ecological safety;
- Creation and replication of prototypes of large-size abrasive tools and equipment for calibration-grinding of full-format wood-chip boards; - modes of drying of wood and wood materials;
- Technologies and techniques of production of modern parquet products of ornamental compositions;
- Production of prototype defectoscopes and thickness gauges for non-destructive quality control of industrial products;
- Scientific and technical bases of production of chipboard of given properties;
- Technologies and equipment for processing of low-quality wood;
- Technologies of finishing wood products with domestic environmentally friendly paint and varnish materials;
- Technologies and equipment for increasing the life of machine parts and wood-cutting tools;
- Bioconversion of organic waste from forest and agro-industrial complex.
Annual efficiency of scientific and technical activities:
- Scientific and technical products from 40 research, development and technological works;
- 30 security documents for intellectual property objects;
- 20 monographs;
- 15 manuals;
- four textbooks;
- 1100 scientific articles, including up to 200 - in foreign editions.
Today, the development of small innovative entrepreneurial organizational forms is carried out in 32 basic units of the University Business Center:
- monitoring of ecosystems of protected areas;
- ecotourism in the area of SEZ «Yavoriv»;
- the cultivation of planting material of woody plants of the intended purpose and decorative forms;
- microcloning of high-yielding varieties of woody plants;
- use of non-timber forest products;
- assessing the quality of timber and timber materials;
- growing maple trees with specified properties;
- industrial mushroom cultivation;
- phytomelioration of devastated landscapes;
- creation, restoration and operation of protective plantations along the transport highways;
- multidimensional evaluation and certification of forests;
- creation of geoinformation systems for the forest industry;
- development of landscaping projects and improvement of cities, settlements, territories of industrial enterprises, institutions and organizations;
- improvement, development and design of complex mechanization of logging and forestry works;
- construction of forest roads;
- development and manufacture of overhead rope systems;
- issues of thermal and protective processing and drying of wood;
- rational use of forest resources;
- development of new wood composite materials using non-traditional raw materials;
- abrasive processing of wood and wood materials;
- production, restoration and strengthening of machine parts, technological equipment and cutting tools;
- development of modern non-timber parquet products of ornamental compositions;
- synthesis, crystalline structure of metal-organic complexes;
- rapid testing of quality indicators of wood products and wood materials for various purposes;
- use of non-traditional energy sources in the forest production complex;
- development of technologies and materials for decorative and protective equipment of wood;
- production of equipment for non-destructive quality control of industrial products;
- development of interiors and furniture of modern design;
- problems of ecological economy;
- formation of the economic mechanism of accelerated development of market relations in the forestry complex;
- training of information technology specialists.
Higher qualification training is provided through postgraduate, doctoral and postgraduate research institutes. There are four specialized scientific councils for the defense of doctoral and PhD theses:
- D 35.072.1 in the specialty 08.00.06 - economics of nature management and environmental protection (economic sciences);
- D 35.072.02 in the specialties 06.03.01 - forest crops and phytomelioration (agricultural sciences) and 06.03.03 - forestry and forestry (agricultural and biological sciences);
- D 35.072.03 in the specialty 05.05.04 - machines for excavation, road and forestry works (technical sciences);
- D 35.072.04 in the specialty 05.23.06 - technology of woodworking, manufacturing of furniture and wood products (technical sciences). Six doctoral and 18 PhD theses are defended annually in specialized scientific councils.